week of skin 01: for smoothing and relaxing your skin
I'm doing a week of skin where I try 2 natural face masks per week ,4 weeks long to rate them and give you some informations about it.I will rate them in crowns from 1-5
the more crowns it gains the better the mask works for your skin. Of course I will explain why the mask is ganing that couple of crowns.
You may know that I have atopic and a few days ago it's startet to bloom out of my face.it 'saround my eyes on my cheek(that litlle red pint and over my lip/its dry and red and it looked like I havent slept for around 5 years)I found a masc recipe what soundet really easy and good to me so I tryed it.
Here the recipe: 2teaspoon of olive oil
2teaspoon of sugar
2tablespoon of natural yoghurt
wait 30 minutes
I will give it crowns because
It's really helpful to smooth your skin and it feels really relaxing.The sugar and the natural yoghurt are helping you'r skin to clean it from bacteriums,dirt and pimples. Olive oil is good against dry skin but not if it's from atopic because my skin is not only dry it's nasty.It'll make it even worse. So dont use then when your'r skin is red from atopic.Only when it starts to health.(If you're having it.)
But the smooth feeling is just for some hours and 30 minutes are a little bit too much to wait.
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