Ulzzang secrets for clearer Skin (✿◠‿◠)ノ゜゚・*☆

Clear perfect skin is the most important precondition for an ulzzang!So I was looking for tips for skin.I found last month some Ulzzang ''secrets'' for a better skin and I tryed some. The most tips are really helpful but wasteful.So you have to decide what tips you will use and whats not really useful.They are not really secrets because you know its the interneeeeet~~ but oki i think you will here read some tips you have never heard before(thx for help lisa)
So now here are some tips~
My tip:Steam baths for faces are gorgeous!
I do it twice per week and it relly helps me a lot~
Just put hot water in a bottle and hold your head over it with a towel over your head for 10minutes.You can add olive oil or green tea in the water too.When you're finish,wash your face with cold water ,wait 2 minutes an then use some moisturizer
basics:1.Wash your face twice a day.Its really helpful.It makes your face skinny and pls do it with warm water and mild soap,because it can make your skin dry.
2.Do not pop pimples!It can push infectet material and then they're swelling out and become more red!And you can become scars!
4. Facial massages will make your skin looks more like porcelain.It helps to stimulate your blood circulation in the lower layers of the skin.When your blood circulation is at its optimum it shows on the face.
1.Kiwi Pack
The vitamin A in yogurt mixed with the nutrients in kiwi helps whiten skin and change your skin completely.1. You need small container of plain yogurt and 1 kiwi.2. blend the kiwi and yogurt together3. Smudge slowly on face and keep it on for 15 minutes at the least.
2.Banana PackBananas have vitamin A and helps skin to look soft and milky.1. You need 1/3 of a banana, half a small spoon of lemon juice, half a small spoon ofolive oil.2. slice bananas and blend with lemon juice and oil3. Distribute through face. Good for dark eye. Take off after exactly 30 minutes and wash your face with lukewarm water.
3.Apple PackHelps dry and discolored skin. Gives a clear effect.1. you need one good apple and ½ spoon of flour.2. Blend the apple.3. soak the flour in enough warm water to make it mushy and wet. It has to stick to face.4. mix the blended apple with the we flour.5. distribute on face and leave for 30 minutes at the most.
thx for reading xoxo sommer-chan
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